eARThshaking Art Teacher!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

African Collaborative Safari

I really loved the Art Inspired by Africa Unit that I planned for my students.  I had gone to Africa on a short term mission trip and taught school at the Nakateete Childcare Center in Uganda. After we were finished at the school  we went to Kenya and went on a safari. The safari trip was one of those breathtaking memories you never forget!  While my students completed many projects, and I'll share them on this Blog in several posts, one of my favorite parts of the unit were the collaborative safari animals we did! Lions, giraffes, elephants, and rhinos, oh my! They were huge and filled the school lobby. Everyone loved them and it really gave you the feeling you were driving around the Masa Mara or the Serengeti in a Land Rover! They were made using giant sheets of kraft paper. All throughout the day differing ages of students painted, colored, and glittered. Tables were pushed back everywhere in the art room, making enough room on the floor to bring our safari animals to life.  Large mammals were everywhere! Each day we finished a few animals.  Finally the day came to have the giant safari of animals march through the school lobby, adhered to the walls with 3M double sticky tape.  Students just loved it! (So did I!) I also placed informational posters all around the artwork so that when students walked through the school they learned about the ecosystem of the Masa Mara! One of my favorite collaborative projects of all time!