(This Blog post was migrated here from another Blog I maintained.)
This summer I was in Italy for a little more than seven weeks as part of Boston University's Masters in Art Education Program. I painted outside in the Tuscan countryside for more than eight hours a day, took an Italian Renaissance Art History course, and toured many cultural, artistic, and religious sites in the Florence area and around Tuscany. I learned so much and was eager to bring this newly gained painting skill back to share with my students. Each spring my art students participate in a unit of art inspired by another region, country, or continent. This coming spring students will focus on art inspired by Italy and my trip! When students learn about the greater globe and life outside of their own living area, their world of knowledge is expanded! Art is a language that everyone, regardless of their country of residence, speaks!
Above: This was the view on three sides of the country estate where I went to school this summer in Italy. I walked this path many times a day going from the classroom to my room and also to the painting studio. What a view! And, I'm wearing my painting clothes! I wore them every day! Honestly, they are now some of my prize possessions! Oil painting is messy!